What are the causes of hearing loss in adults?

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Having been diagnosed with hearing loss, there are a few questions you might be asking yourself about the causes of this condition. There are many reasons why adults have hearing loss, and it is essential to learn about these so that you can begin taking action immediately to address your condition.

Sensorineural hearing loss

SNHL is a group of disorders of the neural pathways to the auditory cortex. This pathology can occur within the cochlea, the inner ear, or the auditory nerve. It can be inherited, caused by a disease, or caused by environmental factors.

SNHL can also occur because of a congenital defect, an autoimmune disease, or an injury. These conditions can result in permanent hearing loss.

Sensorineural hearing loss is the most common type caused by damage to the inner ear. It can be genetic or accidental and can occur at any age. Typical symptoms include dizziness, ringing in the ears, and sensitivity to loud noises. If you suspect you may have SNHL, make an appointment with an audiologist.

To test for SNHL, a doctor will perform a complete audiometric evaluation. During the exam, your doctor will also check for any fluid buildup, inflammation, or infection. You may need to take medicine if your doctor detects any of these conditions. In addition, your doctor may need to inject steroid pills into your ear.

If you have SNHL, it is essential to get it treated at Audi Hearing as soon as possible. If you delay treatment, your chance of recovery may decrease.

Conductive hearing loss

Conductive hearing loss in adults is less common than in children. The most common cause is otosclerosis. Other causes include mastoidectomy, which can alter the acoustic properties of the ear canal. In some cases, eardrum perforations can result from severe pressure differences across the tympanic membrane. Generally, the perforation heals on its own.

A study of adult patients with unilateral conductive loss investigated the auditory brainstem response (ABR) and masking-level difference (MLD) tests. The study subjects were drawn from a list of patients scheduled for middle ear surgery.

The diseased ears had significantly shorter ABRs and longer I-V interwave intervals than the control group. Patients with diseased ears also showed reduced masking-level differences. These differences were also found to persist after the postsurgical restoration of normal audiometric thresholds.

Mixed hearing loss

Often, the combination of inner and outer ear problems is the reason for mixed hearing loss. When the hair cells of the inner ear are damaged, it affects the ability to hear. It can happen due to various factors, including head injuries, infections, and inherited disease.

Hearing loss is a condition that affects people of all ages. It may occur suddenly or gradually over time. In addition to hearing loss, people may also experience tinnitus, pressure in their ears, or vertigo.

Depending on the hearing loss, treatment will depend on the cause. Hearing aids are often recommended. Treatment can also be in the form of surgery or an implantable device.

Some people experience hearing loss in one ear as children. However, these losses are usually only temporary.

Hearing loss can be due to an inner ear problem, such as damage to the cochlea or the vestibulocochlear nerve. Other causes include noise exposure, chemotherapy, and radiation.

When the inner ear is damaged, the sounds you hear are not processed by your brain. It is known as sensorineural hearing loss.

In some cases, the loss is conductive, meaning that the sound cannot travel through the outer or middle ear. It can be temporary or permanent, depending on the cause. In most cases, a hearing aid is used to help people with conductive hearing loss.


Otosclerosis is an inherited disease that affects the bones in the ear. It is more common in families of European or Indian descent. The condition is not cured, but several treatment options exist.

The otosclerosis treatment plan is tailored to each person’s situation. Treatments can range from surgery to hearing aids. The decision about whether to have surgery depends on the severity of the hearing loss and the risks involved. The growth of abnormal bone usually causes hearing loss in otosclerosis. The growth of abnormal bone causes the eardrum to thicken, which in turn causes conductive hearing loss.

Surgery to treat otosclerosis is called a stapedectomy. It involves removing part of the stapes bone and replacing it with a prosthetic bone. This procedure has a good success rate. It’s important to discuss the risks of otosclerosis surgery with your doctor.

Symptoms of otosclerosis can include hearing loss, tinnitus, and balance issues. It is also known to cause vertigo. These symptoms may not always be present in the early stages of the disease but will begin to worsen as the disease progresses.

Cardiovascular disease

Cardiovascular disease can cause damage to the heart and inner ear, leading to permanent hearing loss. Luckily, there are several things that people can do to improve their cardiovascular health.

One of the best ways to protect your heart is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Eating a balanced diet, getting plenty of exercises, and maintaining a healthy weight can improve your heart’s health and lower your risk of cardiovascular disease.

The cardiovascular system generally consists of your heart blood vessels, and surrounding arteries. When these organs are damaged, they can restrict blood flow to the ear. It can suffocate the delicate inner ear cells and reduce the amount of oxygen that reaches the brain.

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